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Official Seal of the California Department of Education


2025 California Mathematics Adoption of Instructional Materials

Curriculum Frameworks & Instructional Resources Division

The California Constitution, Article 9, Section 7.5, and the California Education Code Section 60200 authorize the State Board of Education (SBE) to adopt instructional materials for kindergarten through grade eight. The SBE and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction are seeking candidates to serve on review panels for the 2025 California Mathematics Adoption of Instructional Materials. Panel members will evaluate instructional materials for use in kindergarten through grade eight, inclusive, that are aligned with the California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.
Each panel will consist of multiple instructional materials reviewers (IMRs) and at least one content review expert (CRE). IMRs and CREs serve as advisors to the Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) and the SBE in the review of instructional materials submitted for adoption. A majority of IMRs, as stated in regulation (California Code of Regulations, Title 5 [5 CCR] Section 9512), shall be teachers who teach students in kindergarten or grades one through twelve, have a professional credential under California law, and who have experience with, and expertise in, standards-based educational programs and practices in the content field under consideration. At least one such teacher shall have experience in providing instruction to English learners, and at least one such teacher shall have experience in providing instruction to students with disabilities. Other IMRs may be administrators, parents, local school board members, teachers not described above, and members of the public.
CREs are required to hold a doctorate degree (Ph.D.) in mathematics or a related field. Please note that a doctorate degree in mathematics education (Ed.D.) is not sufficient to serve as a CRE. Panel members will attend four days of training in Sacramento on April 15–18, 2025. They will review instructional materials independently at home and will then reconvene in panels for up to four days of deliberations on July 22–25, 2025, or July 29–August 1, 2025, which will conclude with the preparation of a report to the IQC. IMRs and CREs will receive their actual and necessary travel expenses for attending the training and deliberation session activities. Travel and per diem costs are reimbursed at standard state rates; however, no stipend or substitute pay is provided. Following are the instructions and information that will be collected in an online form.
Online Application to Serve on the Review Panel.
Applications must be received by 3 p.m. September 24, 2024.
If you have any questions about this application please contact Carrie Marovich at


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You must submit a résumé of up to three pages with your application.

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