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Official Seal of the California Department of Education

CDE Survey

California State Preschool Program
Program Self Evaluation
Fiscal Year 2024-25

Early Education Division

For Fiscal Year (FY) 2024–25, California State Preschool Program (CSPP) contractors will use the Early Education Division’s (EED) Program Instrument to conduct the FY 2024-25 Program Self-Evaluation (PSE) and will complete a survey to satisfy the submission requirements for the PSE. The survey will identify how programs meet or did not meet the contract terms and conditions of the CSPP contract. The PSE includes multiple choice options for items 1-24, followed by three additional data questions. Contractors must also include a written list of tasks needed to modify the program in order to address all areas identified through the PSE process as needing improvement, and describe the procedures for the ongoing monitoring of the program to ensure that areas of the program that are satisfactory to continue to meet standards, including how those will be addressed in a timely and effective manner.
All CSPP contractors are required to complete this survey. Please have one (1) staff submit this survey on behalf of your CSPP agency no later than 5:00 pm on Monday, June 2, 2025. To complete this survey, responses to all questions are required. For any questions regarding this survey, please contact the EED Program Quality Implementation Office at
If you want to save your progress and return later at any time while responding to the survey, you can do so by selecting the Save For Later button. To do this, select the choose the Save For Later button on any page you would like to pause in responding. You will be provided a unique URL (web address) for entrance back into the saved report. This URL is the only way back into the saved survey