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Official Seal of the California Department of Education

Request for Applications

2025-27 California State Preschool Program Quality Rating Improvement System Block Grant

Early Education Division

This survey will serve as your local educational agency's (LEA's) application submission for the California State Preschool Program (CSPP) Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) Block Grant for fiscal years (FYs) 2025–26 and 2026–27. This request for applications (RFA) survey should be completed with reference to the CSPP QRIS Block Grant RFA Overview and Instructions document located on the CSPP QRIS web page. All questions are required unless marked optional.
Please reach out to the California Department of Education (CDE) Quality Counts California (QCC) Team at with any questions.
To save responses and return to the survey at a later time, select Save Responses. Note: The Save button allows you to save your place in the survey and return to it later. When you select Save Responses, a new screen will appear and the Snap Survey will provide two options to save and return to the saved survey. You can either save the unique uniform resource locator (URL) to the survey as a bookmark or add to Favorites in your web browser or provide your email address and Snap Survey will email you the unique URL to return to the saved survey.
 Survey Contact Information
 Program Contact Lead Information
 Program Fiscal Lead Information
 Other Grant Management and Implementation Contact: (Optional)