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Official Seal of the California Department of Education


2026 California Teachers of the Year

Communications Division

The California Teachers of the Year Foundation is a key partner with the California Department of Education (CDE) in contributing to the success of the California Teachers of the Year (CA TOY) Program. The California Teachers of the Year Foundation is proud to join the CDE in celebrating the CA TOY Awardees.
County Offices of Education (COEs) that would like to submit a candidate for the 2026 CA TOY Award must submit a completed application. This includes attaching the required documentation, approving the certifications, and providing the appropriate signature.

COEs must work with their TOY County Coordinator to submit applications. Applications will only be accepted from TOY County Coordinators.

COEs must submit a separate application for each candidate. COEs may submit one candidate for each 5,000 (or fraction thereof) teachers in their county.

Local educational agencies (LEAs) can print a copy of the application to collect information for COE submission. Select the
Print button on the bottom of the screen to copy and paste the application into a Word document. In addition to information about the candidate and the candidate's LEA (school, district, and COE), information will be needed about the candidate's school demographics.
The CA TOY application contains a Documentation component that must be completed and uploaded into the application. The Documentation Instructions can be found on the CDE CA TOY Application Documentation Instructions web page.

If you have any questions regarding the application, or if you want to report a problem, please contact the Awards Unit by email at
Select the Next button for Application Submission Requirements for the 2026 CA TOY Application.

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