| Accessible Version2025–26 School Breakfast Program and Summer Meal Programs Start-up and Expansion Grant |
Nutrition Services Division |
This application allows school food authorities (SFA) to apply for the School Year 2025–26 School Breakfast Program (SBP) and Summer Meal Programs (SMP) Start-up and Expansion Grant, known as the Breakfast Grant (BG). Explanations for each field in this application are available on the California Department of Education (CDE) BG Request for Applications web page and by selecting the Instructions link at the top right corner of each page.
Once you begin the application, you can save and return to it at any time by selecting the Save Responses button at the bottom of each page. You will be provided a unique URL (web address) for entrance back into the application (this URL is the only way back into the saved application). All fields in the application must be completed unless noted otherwise. |
Eligible SFAs include school districts, county offices of education, or direct-funded charter schools with at least 20 percent of enrolled students eligible for free or reduced-price (F/RP) meals.
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